April 2021
Staff member looking at UK geospatial data

The UK’s marine economy is estimated to be worth £47 billion. As an island nation, this comprises everything from the rapidly expanding offshore wind industry in the North Sea, to maritime trade – through which the UK receives 95% of all physical goods. While this is a staggering figure, we believe it’s only scratching the surface of what’s possible if businesses in this sector have better access to geospatial data, enabling them to flourish and innovate further.

To help meet this aim, in 2018/19 we coordinated an evidence base for marine geospatial data that was used to support the development of the UK Geospatial Strategy, published in June 2020.

This task was carried out by working with the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS); together, we hosted a number of workshops with participants from across government, academia and industry. High engagement across these workshops supported discussions on challenges relating to data collection, access, collaboration and standards. This qualitative report highlights the perceptions of the attendees and will serve as a valuable tool to direct further discussions amongst the community to help promote and advance the collective sector.

Creating a comprehensive data catalogue


As one of the Geospatial Commission’s six partner bodies, we have also been working to improve access to government-held data through a range of technical projects – including the development of a comprehensive data catalogue earlier this year.

Through this activity, we hope to improve the sharing of key data so that we can unlock the full potential of the UK’s marine economy and remain a world-leading maritime nation for years to come.

Photo of the Government relations team

Contact our team

This work was conducted in collaboration with the Cabinet Office, Geospatial Commission and Geo6 partners. If you are part of government and would like to find out how we can help you in a similar area, please get in touch with our government relations team using the contact information below.

You can also find out more about similar work on out government page.

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