How we support Safety of Life at Sea

We are responsible for fulfilling the UK government’s obligations to provide hydrographic products and services for safe navigation in UK waters to support Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS).  Part of our public task, also involves advising on policy matters, informing policy making and unlocking greater value from UK geospatial data by working across government with other public organisations.

We also represent the UK internationally, championing hydrography and the importance of marine geospatial data as the foundation data set essential for almost every activity undertaken in the marine domain. This includes enabling safe and efficient maritime trade, enhancing maritime security and supporting shared environmental initiatives. 

Our role

Beyond UK waters

Beyond UK waters, we fulfil the charting responsibilities for 63 coastal states as their Primary Charting Authority (PCA).  As PCA we are responsible for compiling, producing and distributing official navigational products for the waters of a coastal state that we represent. 

We also work closely with UK Overseas Territories and Commonwealth nations to manage and fulfil their marine geospatial data requirements.  Supporting them in meeting their obligations regarding safety of navigation and sustainable management of their marine environment.

From seabed to surface and beyond

Marine geospatial data is essential for almost every activity undertaken in the marine domain. From seabed to surface and from coast to offshore, our world-class team of experts, in partnership with a range of organisations worldwide, source, process and publish hydrographic and marine geospatial data.

This wide range of data serves many needs and uses, from safety-critical information for maritime navigation to environmental and scientific research.  The data supports the UK government in making informed decisions on our nations prosperity and security.

We also provide additional products and services to support the UK government and public sector organisations, including:

  • Astronomical and celestial navigation data provided by HM Nautical Almanac Office
  • Advice and guidance relating to Law of the Sea, including technical aspects of maritime baselines, limits, zones and boundaries
  • We administer the UK Centre for Seabed Mapping
  • Information from the UKHO Archive, which maintains one of the most complete maritime collections in the world

Representing the UK internationally

As a world-leading centre for hydrography, we support other nations with their hydrographic understanding and capabilities.  As part of our public task we act as Primary Charting Authority for those nations who do not currently have the ability to meet all of their international obligations for safe navigation of their waters and coast line. 

We work closely with UK Overseas Teriritories and Commonwealth nations to manage and fulfil thier marine geospatial requirements. The good governance of our oceans and the sustainable use of sea resources is of importance to the UK and its Overseas Territories and Crown dependencies, who together are custodians to the fifth-largest marine estate in the world. 

By sharing our data and expertise, we are committed to promoting hydrography's role in addressing global challenges and ensuring the safe and responsible use of our oceans for generations to come.

UK Centre for Seabed Mapping

The UK is a world leader in seabed mapping, and the UK Government alone invests in over 30 public sector organisations to collect and use it. 

Launched in 2022 and administered by the UKHO, the UK Centre for Seabed Mapping (UK CSM), enables UK public sector organisations, involved in seabed mapping, to build a community where members coordinate the collection, management and access of publicly funded marine geospatial data. 

The UK CSM is increasing the coverage, quality and access of seabed mapping data, as well as promoting it as a critical component of national infrastructure. The UK CSM is included as part of the new National Strategy for Maritime Security and has been submitted as a UK Government Voluntary Commitment to the United Nations Ocean Decade.

Supporting national security

We play an important role in supporting the UK Government’s national defence and security policy.  As a Defence Specialist Geospatial Centre, the UKHO is one of the four approved authorities providing authoritative, assured and compliant Geospatial Foundation Data, products and services to the Ministry
of Defence.

The Royal Navy (RN) and all UK defence vessels, from ships to submarines, rely on the UKHO and our ADMIRALTY products and services for safer navigation.  Working closely with maritime forces and global allies, our specialist teams provide bespoke solutions that enable the best possible view of the marine environment. This is essential to helping to maintain freedom of manoeuvre for the protection and prosperity of our national infrastructure, international maritime trade routes and the world’s oceans.  By providing critical data and hydrographic information, we also assist with humanitarian aid and emergency relief to coastal communities in times of crisis and conflict.

Collaboration for safe maritime trade

From finding new ways to help improve efficiencies, to developing the next generation of navigational solutions, collaboration is key as we continue to support the evolving needs of the maritime industry. 

The UKHO holds many valuable partnerships with organisations across the globe – from ports and data suppliers to other national hydrographic offices. By pooling together our collective expertise and insight, we are identifying the challenges our customers face and the new opportunities for innovative solutions. Together we are working to support safe, efficient and compliant navigation. 

Data to inform policy and strategy development

Against the backdrop of digitilisation and decarbonisation transformation, the maritime community is currently facing one of it's most challenging times, characterised by regional conflicts, disrupted maritime supply chains and increasing geopolitical uncertainty.

As the UK government’s centre for hydrography and seabed mapping data, we play a key role in the development of maritime evidence papers, strategy, and policy documents that help form the decision making to support safe, secure and thriving oceans for generations to come. 

This includes contributing to the development of Foresight Future of the Sea; working to support other nations alongside the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office and partnering with the Geospatial Commission to help unlock the significant economic, social and environmental opportunities offered by location data.


Contact the UKHO

If you want to talk to one of our experts you can contact us using the form below.