June 2021

Beyond navigation, the data sets we hold have the potential to inform a much wider range of decisions that can unlock the full potential of the blue economy. To help make these data sets discoverable, accessible and downloadable to wider users, in 2019 we launched the ADMIRALTY Marine Data Portal: a single access point for a wealth of marine geospatial data from seabed to surface.

While traditionally the users of ADMIRALTY products and services have been mariners, the data we’ve made available will help meet the evolving needs of existing customers, as well as users in new markets. Through the portal, users can not only access extensive data on bathymetry, but also the locations of wrecks, obstructions and offshore infrastructure within the UK’s Exclusive Economic Zone – from pipelines to wind turbines. Information on maritime limits, seabed composition and coastlines is also available, along with a range of apps and APIs.

Created to meet the needs of data users


As well as making such a wide range of data available, the portal was created with users’ needs at the forefront. For example, marine information can be easily visualised through interrogable GIS web apps, and data sets can be easily searched and downloaded in a range of formats to suit the user.

The ADMIRALTY Marine Data Portal is also integral to a range of services that support  the development of data management solutions, which are grounded in the principles of Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure (MSDI). These services provide coastal states and regions with easy access to marine data online, along with the tools to analyse it, without requiring their own IT infrastructure or advanced data management skills. By making accurate marine geospatial data available to coastal states, they can independently explore ways to improve their economies and build resilience to natural disasters.

Marine data portal screenshot

Hear more from our experts

At our Blue Data Conference 2021, we brought together leading experts to discuss how we can unlock the vast potential of the blue economy with marine data. 

Hear from George Huish as he discusses Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure (MSDI) and how marine data portals can play a key role in developing a thriving blue economy, exploring the UKHO’s work to develop portals for countries across the globe.

Watch back the conference
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If you would like to speak to any of the team about our involvement in shaping the future of navigation, you can contact us using the form below.