
Contains astronomical information to support bridge crews in routine and emergency celestial navigation, as well as the calculation of daylight hours and mandatory gyro checks.

ADMIRALTY Nautical Almanac


It is carried on every ship within the Royal Navy and is at the core of celestial navigational training courses worldwide.

The Nautical Almanac includes:

  • Tabulations of the Sun, Moon, navigational planets and stars to help determine positions at sea when using a sextant
  • Times of sunrise, sunset, twilights, moonrise and moonset, phases of the Moon and eclipses of the Sun and Moon to help bridge crews plan observations
  • Interpolation and altitude correction tables, pole star tables and diagrams, and notes for the identification of stars and planets
  • Information on standard times for countries around the world
  • A concise set of sight reduction tables and sight reduction forms

Also available as an ADMIRALTY e-Nautical Publicatio​n

In addition to paper format, the ADMIRALTY Nautical Almanac is available as an ADMIRALTY e-Nautical Publication (AENP). AENPs bring improved efficiency, accuracy and access to information bridge crews need through electronic NM updates and simple search functionality.​

How to buy


ADMIRALTY Nautical Almanac has the following recommended retail prices:​​

Hardback Paper Publication: £44.00

AENP: £44.50

Please note that AENP prices refer to an individual annual license and that all prices do not include VAT and other local taxes. To find out more information or to organise purchase, please contact your ADMIRALTY Distributor. If you don’t have a preferred distributor, you can search a list of worldwide, experienced and trusted distributors on our Find an ADMIRALTY Distributor page.

The ADMIRALTY Digital Catalogue (ADC) can also provide you with a comprehensive reference of all ADMIRALTY Maritime Data Solutions. To find out more about the ADC, please click here.​​​​​